Tuesday, January 20, 2015

After taking one glance at my final report-card grades for first semester, I  have decided to close the door on it, and to never, ever, ever see it again.

While this semester has been full of stressful things from moving, a new puppy, cross country, boat-loads of homework (that, I thought I wouldn't get until junior year), procrastination, and the awful confusion between the difference of math and the Chinese language,  I have made it to semester number two of my sophomore year of high school.

After a nice long winter break, I feel rejuvenated, and ready to kick butt this semester in school.

My good friend, Emma, that I made just this year, is switching schools.
Part of me is sad, because, well, Emma and Katie are pretty much the only two people I feel completely comfortable around at school, and now she's leaving, which flat out sucks.
The other part of me is okay because I know that we will keep in touch, though maybe not hanging out as much, we will still remain good friends, and I will be looking at school as just a place to try my best to get good grades, and that is it. It's kind of sad, I guess, that I don't see it much as a social thing anymore, but more of a serious work-place for my future... (I guess in some ways it's good...)

Honestly, the only things I'm looking forward to are summer, track season, and shopping.
So yeah.

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