Sunday, April 17, 2016

My Day in a Nutshell & an Announcement!

Hey guys! I hope you're all doing well!

I wish I had more motivation to write on my blog more often, however, I lead a pretty routine lifestyle during the school year. I wake up, I sluggishly drag myself downstairs to ponderously pour myself a nice big cup of coffee. Then, I walk back up stairs, slowly sit down on the couch, and clumsily wave my hand around the couch until it finds the remote to turn on the morning news. After I've gotten my daily "Weather on the 7's" forecast from Chief Meteorologist Larry Gebert, I can finally start plotting out what I should wear for the day. I ponder my options as I listen to Maggie O'Mara and Doug Petcash update me on all of the local Boise news (which usually consists of something about what makes Boise such a great place to live; the climate, the size, its nature, the city's "hipster vibe", BSU, tailgating, nice police officers, or the many "7's Heros" (a segment on the news)).

Seriously, though… it seems as if every-other week Boise makes some sort of "Top 10" list in regards to why it's a great place to live or what makes it unique.

That's the Boise news, for you! (Because Boise is such a SAFE place to LIVE, our news is mostly happy and cheery!) (Do you see what I did there? I just gave you a reason why Boise is amazing… and  I wasn't even trying to be funny!)

Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! So after I watch the news, I get ready and do my makeup and all that fun stuff. And then, after that…wait for it… I GO TO SCHOOL! *GASP!*

I grudgingly trudge through the first two periods of classes, as I am mostly concerned about getting my blood circulating so that my writing doesn't look like a kindergartener's. After I've made it past the general sleepy phase, the rest of the day goes by fairly quickly. When the closing prayer ends, I head to my disheveled and clearly unorganized locker of which I grab a few binders to shove into my even more prominently rumpled backpack. Covey meets me at my locker, and walks me out to my EVEN MORE cluttered and disorderly car. We say goodbye, maybe say a couple of prayers, and head our separate ways.

I arrive home, let Cooper in, and whip up a quick snack. I then sit and procrastinate the many things I know I should be doing (Homework, the gym, and chores). I turn on the news, and watch my homies at News Channel 7 report the afternoon news, which, usually isn't much different from the morning broadcast.
After this, I take Coop on his much needed walk, and return home to finish homework, go to the gym, have dinner, and relax with my family.

So there you have it. My day in a nutshell.

So, I apologize for not writing on here as much. Well, I'm mostly apologizing to myself, because I want to write posts more often, I just never know what to write. In the summer, I usually have many more interesting events that I go to or take part in that give me so much to write about. I think that for now/during the school year, I'll probably end up falling back on some journal prompts to base my posts off of, because I definitely want to keep writing.

Thanks for reading, I'm sorry if this was a boring post! (not that anyone reads my blog anyways)

God Bless!

P.S.--I started faith blog. Go to: and check it out! I wanted to start a separate blog that was solely faith/religion based, because I have so much to say in that particular section of my life that I thought it needed its own corner! Thanks!

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