Thursday, June 5, 2014

Update: June 5th

May 1st: I wake up to the obnoxious "piano riff" sound of my alarm at 5:30 am. Hesitant to get out of the pillowy haven I call my bed, I lift my head up, and plop it back down on the deep cushiony pillow and place a second one on top, hoping that the obnoxious sound will go away and I'll get more than 7.5 hours of sleep.I end up crawling out of bed, like almost any other high school student, and carelessly get ready. 

June 4th: I wake up on my own at approximately 9:00 am. The sun is shining-- its actually bright outside when I wake now. I go downstairs and take my time eating a bowl of cereal. Flick on the TV and maybe watch a few episodes of Unique Sweets. Then I go get dressed and tan a little, see if anyone wants to hang out, or run errands to the store. All of which I don't mind doing. (unless you go to the store 4 different times in one day.) 

Yes. I am now on summer vacation. Finally. It couldn't have come soon enough. I love school and being with my friends, but there just comes a time when a break is needed. 

Summer should be stress-free, right? Right. Well it's sort of been stress free, I guess. The only stress I've had is trying to figure out what to do. I wait the whole school year for summer and then I get to summer and I have nothing to do! (I'd rather do nothing than chores, though, parents, don't get me wrong.) And throw in a little bit of boy drama and you've got a little bit of worry and stress. Which is why it is great that it's summer. Because the boy stuff is easier to forget about when you're sitting there soaking in the sun by the pool or eating a huge Tropical Bowl from the best place ever-- Bowl of Heaven. You see, summer is a time where I can just do what I need to do to stay happy, and that's why I love it! 

Also, I should mention that about two weeks ago my brother graduated from high school! He is now an official Red Hawk at Seattle University! How great is that? I have all these great dorm room ideas that he'll love… or at least maybe he'll consider them? Though he does have a pretty good start with the cool bed sheets and blankets that Aunt Mary got him, and the popcorn machine that he received, maybe I can manage to get him a mini-fridge. He'll be fine either way. 

So, I guess I should probably share some recent pictures. So much has been going on and pictures are worth 1,000 words, right? 
A senior picture. 

L to R: Me, Matea, Sarah. Track meet in Meridian!

Cooper's first bath/blow dry. He was SO fluffy. 

Got my varsity letter! (So did Matea and Sarah!) At the time, my mile time was 6:01. Now, my PR for my mile is 5:51. I Pr'd by ten seconds in districts. 

I can't help but think that Ryan actually liked posing for the pictures. (: #Modelstatus

Track Meet. 

Ryan's graduation party! My cousin came to visit from Montana. So much fun!

I don't know why Ryan is making that face but he loooooves Cooper!

Senior Picture. 

Graduation picture! YAY RYAN!!!!

Graduation Video. 

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