Sunday, July 13, 2014

Seattle, Here We Come!

Ryan and I's trip to South Carolina is has pretty much concluded. As I am typing this, we are sitting in the Charleston airport waiting for our plane! We have about 3 hours to wait, but...better early than late, right? Not to mention this is our first time (or at least mine) flying alone with no accompaniment.

We finished out our last day in Edisto with a really relaxing day. Aunt Nancy and I got up early and took a long, 1 hour-45 minute walk on the beach. I was really glad that we got to go to the beach one last time. 

We packed up our things early Saturday morning, and headed towards Charleston where we would spend the night at a hotel close to the airport. 

On our way there, we stopped by Folly Beach. This little beach town was bigger and busier than Edisto, and had a different feel to it. To be honest, I still found myself liking Edisto's laid back and perky style better than Folly Beach, although there was one part of Folly Beach that I would like to take to Edisto; the Lost Dog Cafe. (and replace it with the Sea Cow... but that's a different story)

Now we are headed to Seattle for about 2 days and nights, to visit where Ryan will be living (for the most part) for the next four years! (S U). It's an orientation and I, personally, am very excited to see how this all works. (And I'm in hopes that I'll get to go to the Pike Place Market!) 

Since the last day in SC was laid back, I have some pictures because I don't really have anything else to say, and pictures are worth a thousand words anyways, right? (Cheesy, I know)

Lucy tracks! 

This huge spider and web was right over the front steps of our house. It had a white back with what looked like little black spikes on it. Scary. 

Please enjoy this random picture of my footprints in the sand. 

Aunt Nancy and Lucy. Best friends. 

Sunrise at the beach. 

I was looking for swirly shells... it was like playing an advanced version of "I Spy". 

Another beach picture. 

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