Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Moving Weekend!

This weekend we started moving in to our new house! Yay!

On friday, we moved in the boxes of the clothes and items that we have been living off of for the past month and a half. These are all of the items from the rental house and our family-friends' house.

Saturday, the moving trucks came! We have our beds set up and the kitchen is mostly packed away and ready to go, but we still have the whole house left to unpack and tidy up. (Especially my room... I don't even know where to start!) When I was packing up my things at our old house, I would see something that I either never use or never think about, and I would be like "Oh, I might use this for something sometime! I'm gonna take it with me!" But now that I am unpacking all of this stuff that I am never going to use, I am asking myself why I hold on to junk in the first place. The good thing is, is that the youth ranch will be receiving lots of new random stuff from me soon!

This weekend, I get to go visit my brother up at Seattle University! It's been about a little more than a month since I've seen him, and I'm actually very excited! (not just because I get to see one of my best friends...Sarah!) I feel like this distance between me and Ryan has already brought us closer together. We've talked on the phone a few times and we "snap chat" (instead of text) all of the time. It's fun!

Lastly, I couldn't have asked for a better time of year to move into this house! Our neighborhood's streets are arched with huge tall trees and tree branches and it's like I get to drive through a big huge tunnel of color. The trees are at the point where some of them haven't changed color yet, some of them are beginning to change color, some have one color on the outside and another on the inside, and some have already lost half of their leaves. It's amazing!

By the way, Halloween is a huge deal in this neighborhood I guess. I mean, I knew it was a big deal on Harrison Boulevard, (the next street over), but my street is pretty festive, too. I guess we get all of the over-flow trick or treaters off of Harrison. (It is said that Harrison gets about 2,000-3,000 trick or treaters every year) Every other house has something Halloween related in front of it; some things are, but are not limited too: huge cobwebs stretched across the lawn and bushes, skeleton shapes staked in the front yard, tombstones and graves with skeletons coming out of the ground, pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, ghosts hung from the trees over the sidewalk, haunted house backdrops, lights (orange, purple, green), blow up pumpkins, cats, houses, ghosts, etc.

It's awesome! We've gotta step it up and put something Halloween-y out on our front step!

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